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Jak mapować metody wysyłki?
Jak mapować metody wysyłki?

Mapuj swoje metody wysyłki

Zaktualizowano ponad 2 lata temu

You can automate the choice of a courier regardless of the plan you use in Outvio. You can set the couriers you want to use by mapping them appropriately in the "Integrations" section.

STEP 1. Open your settings menu.

You can access the settings menu by clicking on the top right corner of your online store logo in your Outvio account.

STEP 2. Select Integrations from the drop-down menu.

STEP 3. Click on the chosen integration and map the shipping methods.

Open the integration with your CMS in Outvio and match the shipping methods you offer in your online store to those available in Outvio. This way, when orders arrive in Outvio, a courier will be automatically selected based on your mapping preferences.

Let's look at one example:

Suppose you just integrated your Shopify store with Outvio and you want to set " Correos Express - Express " as your default shipping method. To do this, go to the Integrations section, open the Shopify integration, and do the mapping.

First you select "Correos Express (Outvio) - express" in the "Shipping method available on Outvio" field.

Second, you need to enter the shipping method in the "Your Shopify Shipping Method" field exactly as you set it up in Shopify. Therefore, if your method is set to Envío Estándar (1-3 Días Laborables) in Shopify , you must enter it exactly the same way with the parentheses in the "Your Shopify Shipping Method" field. An easy way to check the shipping name is to go to the Orders tab and open one of your Shopify orders and see how the shipping method is inserted.

Wystarczy, kliknąć przycisk "Zapisz" i to wszystko, mapowanie zostało wykonane poprawnie. Możesz powtórzyć ten proces dla tak wielu metod wysyłki, jak wiele masz w swoim sklepie internetowym. W ten sam sposób możesz mapować wielu kurierów i metody wysyłki jednocześnie, co oznacza, że dla jednej metody wysyłki możesz przypisać różnych kurierów, gdy zajdzie taka potrzeba. Jeżeli to zrobisz, Outvio wybierze najbardziej ekonomicznego kuriera przypisanego do danej metody wysyłki.

Na przykład, jeśli w poprzednim przypadku zmapowaliśmy "Correos Express (Outvio) - Express" i "Zeleris (Outvio) - Zeleris Día Siguiente" z metodą wysyłki "Wysyłka standardowa (1-3 dni robocze)", to kiedy zamówienie trafi do Outvio, system przypisze najtańszego kuriera spośród tych dwóch (Correos Express, Zeleris), dla miejsca docelowego, wagi i objętości danej paczki.

CAUTION! If you are using Outvio but have not set up shipping rules or have not mapped shipping methods in your CMS with couriers available in Outvio, Outvio will select the cheapest courier and shipping method from among those available in your account for the given destination, but in this case do not take into account the rates Correos Nacional Oficina Standard, Correos Nacional Domicilio Standard and Zeleris Economy (as most online stores prefer other shipping methods by default).

Therefore, if you want Outvio to choose any of the previously mentioned methods, you need to map them in the CMS integration or select them manually before printing the shipping label in the Shipping Queue.

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