To be able to integrate your 3PL provider in Outvio you have to be
βon the Grow or Conquer Plan.
Third-party logistics provider (3PL) come in handy when you are looking for external support and expertise to run your supply chain more efficiently. 3PL providers not only offer to take care of storage and transport, but also other services such as packaging, labelling or order fulfilment.
Here is how you can connect your 3PL provider to Outvio.
STEP 1. Go to "3PL Integrations".
STEP 2. Add new 3PL.
Here you can see and manage all your 3PL Integrations. If you don't have any yet, you can easily add a new one. There is no limit on the number of 3PL connections, whether active or inactive.
You can either select an already existing 3PL account, or invite your own 3PL provider.
If you decide to invite your own 3PL, you will have to enter the email of your 3PL contact, and we will send them instructions on how to set up their 3PL account in Outvio.
After selecting a 3PL from the list or sending the invite, the connection will be in "Pending" state until your 3PL activates the integration on their side.
After your 3PL provider has set up their account in Outvio and has activated the integration on their side the 3PL integration will appear active:
STEP 3. Set up the integration.
By clicking on the active integration, you can set up the integration and configure 3PL order processing rules. Please see the screenshot below for important information to consider when editing the rules:
The IF condition has the same criteria as the ones that are available for shipping rules.
The THEN action has only one statement. It determines if the orders are sent or not sent to the 3PL if the condition is met. This setting must be the same for all added rules. All rules must be removed and re-created to change this condition.
Here is an example of an order processing rule. Don't forget to save the rule as well as the complete configuration.
Please be aware of the following when managing the 3PL integration:
3PL Connection can be deleted at any moment (by clicking on the bin on the upper left corner)
All orders that were in the Orders tab will be handed back to your 3PL
Other orders will stay where they are, under the control of 3PL
3PL Connection can be deactivated at any moment.
Same result as when deleting a connection
If no rules are added, all orders that enter Outvio will be passed to the 3PL
Rules changes will be applied on new orders that enter Outvio
Once an order comes in after a 3PL integration has been set to active, it will show a 3PL logo next to the status flag. You will also have the opportunity to filter your orders by 3PL providers.
If for some reason you want to ship the order yourself, you can take it over from the 3PL. In order to do that, select the order and click on "Take over from 3PL". As a result, the order will be shown as a "normal" order in your Orders tab.