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How to set up your DB Schenker account in Outvio?
How to set up your DB Schenker account in Outvio?

DB Schenker integration

Updated over 3 years ago

DB Schenker's integration process is similar to other couriers. The main difference lies in the fact that with DB Schenker you must use a specific packaging name that includes the 2 letter code in front of it. This helps to automate the type of service Outvio will use to ship your DB Schenker shipments, based on their webservice requirements.

In the following article, we explain step by step how to integrate DB Schenker with Outvio.

STEP 1. Contact your account manager and request the correct credentials.

First of all, you need to contact your account manager in DB Schenker and let them provide you the correct credentials. Additionally, ask them to activate the web service for you. This might take up to one business day.

STEP 2. Go to the My Couriers section, open the integration with DB Schenker and fill in the correct credentials.

The integration appears active with the correct credentials. If the integration with DB Schenker fails for some reason, Outvio will notify you. In that case, you must contact DB Schenker and check that they have given you the correct credentials. Do not hesitate to contact us either. We can probably help you and speed up the process. We recommend you send us a screenshot of the credentials and the email address of your account manager. This way, we can contact DB Schenker directly.

STEP 3. Go to the Shop Settings section and add or edit the packages according to the instructions given in the DB Schenker integration.

When shipping with DB Schenker, the packaging name must include 2 letter code in front of it. Look through the codes shown inside the integration and make the necessary changes.

The packages can be named as you please, but they should have, in addition, any of the two-letter codes specified in the DB Schenker integration that indicated the type of package you are using to ship every order. You can find more information on how you can add new packages HERE.

STEP 4. Upload your rates for each service you want to use.

For every service, you need to upload a separate file since each service has a different rate.

After you have uploaded your rates correctly, they will appear in the Subscription and rates section (in the rates table). Before you start shipping, we recommend checking your DB Schenker rates settings and make changes when needed.

You also need to set up the "Other Settings" section according to your contract with DB Schenker. Contact DB Schenker directly to find out the type of Incoterms, Incoterms Destination Type, and Service Type used to ship your orders with them.

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