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BigCommerce integration for Outvio
BigCommerce integration for Outvio

Learn how to integrate with BigCommerce in a few steps, and you'll be ready to synchronise your orders arriving in BigCommerce to Outvio 🤘

Updated over 2 years ago

Here are the steps to complete your integration of BigCommerce in Outvio:

  1. Install Outvio App to your BigCommerce store

  2. Go to Integrations section in the Settings, find BigCommerce and open the integration configuration page

  3. In first step of configuration, you need to enter the main email of your BigCommerce store with “owner” role.

    If you're not sure, you can find this email by going to your BigCommerce Account settings → Users

  4. If email has been entered correctly, you will see step 2 open - here you can select date from which you want to import existing orders in your BigCommerce into your Outvio account

  5. Configuration step 3: match BigCommerce payment methods to Outvio payment methods

  6. Configuration step 4: match BigCommerce shipping methods to shipping methods that you have enabled in your Outvio account

    If you add custom courier rates in the future you will need to come back later to map them here. You can map each shipping method you offer in BigCommerce to more than one rate, in that case the cheapest rate will be chosen. If you do not see all your BigCommerce shipping methods below please add them manually using exactly the same shipping method name you use in BigCommerce. Do not forget to update this mapping if you add any new couriers in Outvio and/or shipping methods in your BigCommerce store.

  7. Configuration step 5: mark which BigCommerce statuses you consider as “Paid order” and which you consider as ones where order has not been yet paid

  8. Configuration step 6: select which statuses you wish to import your orders into Outvio. As soon as order is in any of these statuses, order will be imported into your Outvio account

  9. Configuration step 7: map how you wish to update statuses for your BigCommerce orders whenever the order/shipment statuses are updated in Outvio

  10. Finish configuration.

Congratulations, you can now start fulfilling your BigCommerce orders with Outvio and boost your post-checkout experience! 🚀

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