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How to get your FedEx credentials
How to get your FedEx credentials
Jose avatar
Written by Jose
Updated over a week ago

To connect your FedEx account to Outvio, go to your couriers section and select FedEx. You need the following to be able to ship:

  • Key

  • Password

  • Account number

These can be requested by yourself in the FedEx API Developer Portal: FedEx APIs and Developer Portal.

Follow the Getting Started guide and follow the process: Getting Started | FedEx Developer Portal

In Step 7 of this guide, you will see where you can get the production credentials:

Sometimes the API key might have to be authorised, which you can ask your FedEx account manager to authorise them.

Once you have your credentials, connect them to Outvio and you will be able to ship, track and process returns!

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