In order to receive credentials for DB Schenker Sweden, you have to fill out a form directed to the courier:
select the second option in the form: "Customer, to be shared to your system developer"
details needed from Outvio's side:
System developer - Company name: Outvio
System developer - E-mail address:
fill out your company information and submit it
Once the form is filled out, the courier will provide us with the test credentials, through which we have to send them test shipments.
When it's done, they will provide the production credentials, which you have to enter in Outvio.
Go to Settings -> My couriers -> DB Schenker Sweden
The rest of the steps how to activate the courier can be found here:
❗️Things to note
For shipments with DB Schenker you must use a specific packaging name that includes the 2 letter code in front of it. This helps to automate the type of service Outvio will use to ship your DB Schenker shipments, based on their webservice requirements.
CI | Canister | BY | Board in bundles | PK | Package |
CT | Carton | EP | EUR pallet | XP | Pallet (misc.) |
CS | Case | TR | Trunk | PZ | Pipes in bundles |
CO | Carboy, non-protected | FR | Frame | RO | Rod |
CH | Chest | HO | Hogshead | SK | Case, skeleton |
GP | Wire pallet, lattice box | OP | One-way pallet | BX | Box |
NE | Nest | DR | Drum | ZZ | Other |
BG | Bag | BL | Bale, compressed |
📦 The packages can be named as you please, but they should have any of the two-letter codes specified above that indicate the type of package you are using to ship the order. You can find more information on how you can add new packages HERE.