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Shop Settings ⚙️

Configura tu almacén y paquetes, ajustes de empaquetamiento, impresión, webhooks de seguimiento y verificación de email

Updated over 5 months ago

This section covers the general settings of your account. I will show you how you can add information about your packages and warehouses, as well as configure your packaging, printing, tracking webhooks and email verification settings, all tailored to your operation and the way you operate.

Let's proceed by sections:


In this section you can manage your packages in Outvio, including adding new packages, making modifications and deleting packages according to your needs.

→ To add a package click on "+"

Enter the package measurements and give it a name for your reference. You can also select what your default package is by checking "Make default" under the package that will be used by default when you use the option to ship and print labels in bulk.

→To delete a package click on the garbage can icon🗑️

When you process your orders manually, you will be able to select the package you wish to use to ship the order:


In this section you can manage your warehouses in Outvio, add, modify and delete warehouses according to your needs.

→To add a warehouse click on the "+" symbol, enter all the necessary information and click on "Save"

If you are on Grow Plan you can add up to 2 warehouses, Conquer Plan allows for unlimited warehouses

Once saved, you can choose this warehouse as your warehouse by default by clicking on "Make default" and you must connect it with your courier to start shipping from this address.

To connect your warehouse with your courier from the Couriers Tab, click on your configured courier and go to "Assigned warehouses" section, then click on "Add warehouse" and click on "Save"

PS: If you haven't configured your courier(s) yet, follow this article:


Here you can choose if when processing your orders you want them to go through the Picking list or directly to the Shipping Queue, if you want to generate the Production list, require the NIF/NIE of the recipients and gather the same products in one order.

  • Picking (available from the plan Conquer)

    If you are on the Conquer plan and activate the option "When processing your orders send them to the Picking List" - when you select your orders in the Orders tab, they will be grouped into product lists to help you pick items from your warehouse as quickly and efficiently as possible

    You will find them in the Picking Tab

    → Picking of products by SKU or barcode

    • Choose whether to group your products by SKU or by barcode in the Picking list for scanning

    💫For more information on the Picking list follow this article:

  • Order ID (primary/ secondary)

    If you use more than one order ID and want to show the secondary ID, you can check this option. Outvio will take it into account to display it on your shipping labels, packing lists, invoices and in the returns portal.

  • Production List (available from the plan Conquer)

    If you activate this option, Outvio will generate a production list when processing your orders showing all the products needed to prepare or produce for each order

    💫For more information follow this article:

  • Handling of recipient ID number requirement for shipping

    The recipient ID number is an important piece of information required by carriers when sending export shipments (more information in this article). We recommend not to deactivate it UNLESS your operations require it and you have previously agreed it with your couriers.

  • Configuration of the Tracking mode

    In case you do not ship through Outvio but wish to track your orders with Outvio, you can activate and configure the Tracking mode.

  • Do NOT turn this on, unless it's required for your use-case.

    There are 2 ways to operate:

    • With the couriers connected

    • Without connected couriers

    → If you connect your couriers, be sure to provide the tracking number when updating your imported orders. Outvio will take care of associating the tracking number with the corresponding carrier (among the couriers you have connected), to request and display order tracking.

    → If you do not connect your couriers, we recommend that you include the name of the courier along with the tracking number on each order. This will allow Outvio to more accurately identify the carrier and the corresponding tracking.

    → If you do not connect your couriers and do not include the name of the courier along with the tracking number in your order, Outvio will search through all the available couriers in the system and associate the order with the one it finds most appropriate.

  • Once you mark the orders as shipped and provide a tracking number, the orders will be automatically transferred to the "Tracking" section.

  • How to display products in Shipping Queue

    If you prefer so you can mark this option (especially in case you often ship orders with several of the same products) to group the products in 1 and display the quantity in 1x format (e.g. if there are 2 products, x2 will be displayed)

    Here is an example video:


In this section you can configure your print settings by selecting the size and format of the label and whether you need the Packing list and invoice for all shipments:

Note that if you have configured the printing settings also in your "User Account" tab, these will take override the settings you configure in the shop settings, so please review that carefully (more information in this article)

You can also automate your printing with direct printing, more information in the following article


The Scan & Pack function allows you to scan the products of your warehouse for a quick and error-free packing

  • In these settings you can configure the Picking with baskets, whether you want to process single and multiple item orders separately, print shipping labels automatically after scanning your products, allow manual packing, display order message and close packages after scanning products.

Depending on how you have set up your order processing rules, orders will enter the Shipping Queue directly from the Orders tab or, alternatively, from the Picking Lists.

In the Shipping Queue two buttons will appear: "Start packing 1 item orders" and "Start packing multi-item orders"

For more information about the Scan & Pack function follow this article:


If you are connected via API, you can configure your URLs to receive updates of the tracking statuses of your shipments via Webhook

You can also add a Client ID by default - in case you are managing your orders with a third party provider


Lastly, in case you want to send email notifications to your customers, you can verify your email domain here and prevent the messages from ending up in Spam.

Enter the URL of your domain (e.g., register the NS records in your domain manager and click save

Don't forget to click on "Save" at the bottom of the page to save all your changes!

🥳 Take advantage of these tools to tailor your account to your operation and optimize your Outvio experience for a more efficient shipment management!

  • If you want to configure any other section in Outvio, check out our help articles.

  • If you need more help, contact our support team HERE.

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